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How it works

The fastest way to generate audience models

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in action?

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Custom results in under an hour, starting at just $500 per month

The old way of building marketing models required weeks of work by a Data Scientist and cost marketers thousands of dollars. Wodwo generates the same quality custom models in just one hour, using four simple steps.


Upload your Seed List

Upload a seed list of your customers.  You can upload names and addresses, Hashed Emails, IP Addresses, Mobile Ad Id’s or UID2’s. The greater your focus, the higher your conversions. Wodwo does the rest.

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Generate your Customer Insights

Before we turn data into custom models, Wodwo will paint a picture of your customers.

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Build Your Model

Select your industry and for the next 30-40 minutes, Wodwo will build between 500-600 models.

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Distribute your New Modeled Audience

Armed with new custom prospect audiences, download the data to inform your next marketing campaign.

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